1. I am 28 years old, teacher by profession. A few years ago I had a problem in my menses and my periods got delayed and it use to come only after 70 days. When I checked, I found out that I had a PCOD problem. I was afraid to know from the doctor that this condition will bring problems in conceiving and therefore started medicines immediately. However I didn’t find much improvement in my condition on the contrary my weight kept on increasing. I realized that I should stop these medicines right here.

During my periods one day I was walking in the garden gazing at the plants and suddenly this thought came into my mind that why don’t I cure this disease with Ayurveda. At some point I remembered Dr. Arvind whom I met before and discussed my problem with him. He started giving me Ayurvedic medicines and within 15 to 20 days of taking it I could see the effect. Periods started coming to me on 35 days from the gap of 70 days and gradually this gap shorten more and now getting periods on 28 days. He also advised me diet and exercises. Frankly, I did all these things. Within two months, I reduced my weight by seven kilos and got freedom from this problem forever.

I find Dr. Arvind as a true and caring friend and thank him from getting rid of my problem.

Ms. Anjali Gupta