Our Services

Gynecological disorders

From time immemorial Ayurveda has contributed a lot towards the health of women. It has advised a special regimen for the care of pregnant women and sanskar for healthy progeny. Simple herbal formulations given in the classical texts of Ayurveda have shown dramatic and proven results in treating the hormonal imbalance which are very commonly faced. Many gynecological disorders like amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, endometrial meterosis, PCOD has been treated and managed successfully at ADI AYURVEDA. We provide customized treatment plan for the health and wellbeing of adolescent girls and women.

Diabetes & Hormonal disorders

The technological advancement has led to a more sedentary lifestyle. The desires and aspiring dreams in this fast-paced world has resultant into stress and depression which further deprives us to have less time to take due care of our own health. Many of us would confess that we are deprived of sleep. We eat and consume a diet that is mainly processed foods, fast foods and sugary beverages which causes hormonal disturbance and the most commonly results into Diabetes. In the first century B.C. a Greek physician, Aretus the Cappadocian, coined the term diabainein, meaning ‘a siphon’, referring to the excessive urination associated with the diabetes that we know today. The Greek word mellitus ‘like honey’ was added in 1675 that reflected the sweet smell and taste of the patients’ urine. However, the same thing was described in Ayurveda centuries before with the term Madhumeha that literally means ‘honey like urine’. The Madhumeha (Diabetes) is more of an epidemic now with a wide impact across the globe. Most of the time, early intervention and therapeutic measures can control the disease and prevent further complication. Maintaining normal body weight, engaging in regular physical activity and eating a healthy diet can significantly reduce the risk of Prameha or Madhumeha (Diabetes). At ADI AYURVEDA, we guide and teach the preventive and promotive health domain that brings the disease well under control.

Anxiety & Stress

With the tough testing times these days, stress has become inevitable due to fast paced life, trending technology and social media everywhere. Stress not only slows down the normal body function but also affects the digestive system and immunity which may also lead to diabetes, blood pressure, and heart disease. When not controlled in time, it may turn into chronic anxiety, depression and other mental disorders. As per the Ayurveda principles, vitiated Vata dosha is responsible as a triggering factor for mental imbalance and increased level of stress. Hence Ayurvedic approach focuses on pacifying the aggravation of Vata to regain normal function and improving the coping capacity of the mind and body through Medhya Rasayana therapies.

Skin & Hair Care

The texture of our skin and hair determine not only our physical appearance but also to some extent inner health. A tree is greener and bears flowers and fruits if the roots are taken care of. The Ayurvedic approach is also simple with some dietary and lifestyle changes according to your temperament under our supervision and your skin and hair automatically become healthy and beautiful. Thus, healthy skin and hair are not resultants of some outer cosmetic products but by following the wellbeing approach mentioned in our ayurvedic literatures. Once the correction is made at the root level, then using the natural cosmetic products and herbal supplements will take care of your Skin and Hair. Our own research-formulated oils have shown immensely wonderful results and satisfaction in skin-related problems, premature graying and hair fall control. 

Gastrointestinal Problems

Gastrointestinal disorders are the disease related to digestive system and include various organs of the digestive tract such as liver, pancreas and gall bladder. According to Ayurveda, the main cause of digestive problems is attributed to weak digestive fire or decreased agni. It also includes the disorders of the channels that is defined in ayurvedic text as Annavaha srotas and Purishvaha srotas. The unique principal of management of Agni and its restoration gives an edge in the better management of gastrointestinal disease correcting the root cause and giving long term relief to the patients. Further correction of inappropriate eating habits, lifestyle and dietary modification improves the gastric health and enhances the digestion.

Weight Management

The key for healthy and active living lies in maintaining a balanced weight with respect to a person’s temperament and height. In weight management, Charaka (Ayurveda physician) has emphasized to have a lean and thin body-type rather than obese because obesity leads to more health-related complications as compared to a thin person. A sedentary lifestyle with poor eating and drinking habits causes extra weight-gains. Therefore, adaption of Ayurvedic regimen’s principals restores not only the balance but allows to maintain the optimal weight. With the blend of our herbs, diet plan (ahara), procedures and counseling help one to attain the healthy weight.

Pain Management

When it comes to pain management we wonder how it is possible to manage pain in Ayurveda, however our experience says that at one point of time when analgesic drugs starts showing resistance to respond and the pain becomes chronic the Fundamental principles of Ayurveda in management of “Vata disorders” has shown dramatic and proven results. We have found good results with our Ayurvedic medicines and procedures like Basti, Nasya and Agnikarma in managing Osteoarthritis, Low back pain(Lumbago), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Frozen shoulders, Calcaneal(Heel) Spur, Sciatica, Degenerative changes in Bones, Paralysis and other Vata disorders in this category.

Swarna Prashan

Swarna Prashan is the ancient technique of immunization in children’s which was practiced thousands of year ago and even today many of the Vaidyas follow this time tested procedure to improve the overall health of the children. Swarna Prashan means administration of processed gold bhasma with cow ghee and honey. Gold is the potent immuno-modulator and looking at the etiology it is formed during the neutron star collision before the formation of solar system thus resembling the “Agni” and when taken internally it boost the “Dhatwagni” (tissues metabolism) resulting in improve appetite, digestion, intelligence, memory power and oratory skills. The child has healthy growth with vigor, energy and strong immunity power. Acharya Kashyap (Pediatrician) in his Samhita mention that if child takes Swarna Prashan for a month then he becomes strong and intelligent and if he continues for six months then he gains unparallel memory power and grasp everything what he/she hears. The ancient literature recommends Swarna Prashan from the time of birth till sixteen year of age and to get its maximum benefit it should be given in “Pushya Nakshatra” of Indian calendar.


Panchakarma therapies in Ayurveda play a major role in eradication of the root cause, mainly the vitiated doshas and thus breaking the pathogenesis of the disease. As the name coined it basically means five procedures (karmas) to remove the accumulated toxins and imbalance in doshas. The ‘Karmas’ as mentioned in the classical textbooks are as follows:

  • Vaman (Medicated Emesis)
  • Virechan (Purgation therapy)
  • Nasya (Nasal Instillation)
  • Basti (Therapeutic Enema)
  • Raktamokshan (Blood cleansing)

Panchakarma treatments procedures are not only beneficial in treating disease but also very effective for restoring optimal health and bringing longevity .Therefore we must regularly undergo this unique detoxification program once in a year, although there are five different procedures in panchakarma but based on the person constitution and ailments two to three customized procedures can be carried out under our expert supervision. 

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